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Guidelines for Successful
Real Estate Agents

This eBook covers the guidelines on how to become a successful real estate agent.

Things you should know before becoming a real estate agent

Things You Need To Know Before Becoming a Real Estate Agent

This eBook will show you the things you need to know before becoming a real estate agent

Reasons why Real Estate Agents must Use  CRM

Reasons Why Real Estate Agents Must Use CRM

This eBook will give the idea of why Real Estate Agents must have a CRM

Structure for a Successful Sales Call

Structure for a Succesful
Sales Calls

This eBook will give tips on how to have successful sales calls as a real estate agent.

Objection In Sales

Suggestions on Dealing with Objections in Sales

This eBook will help you how to deal with Sales Objections

Boost Productivity

How to Become a More Productive Real Estate Agent

This eBook will give tips on how to become a productive real estate agent.

Pillow Cheat Sheet Ebook

Pillow Money Cheat Sheet

This eBook covers useful information about the percentage of FHA/VA and Conventional.

Gap of Employment Ebook

Gap Of Employment

This eBook will show you 6 or more months in the last 24 months of work GAP of employment.

48 Historical

48-Year Historical Mortgage Rates

This e-book shows the Historic Mortgage Rates from 1974 to 2021.

Buying Power Cheat Sheet

Buying Power Cheat Sheat

This covers useful information about the percentage of Buying Power


Down Payment Cheatsheet

This ebook covers different percentages with different amounts.


Minimum Submission List

A detailed guide that would help you as a buyer in your application!


Standards For Who Pays For Title Insurance By County

The party who customarily pays the owner’s title insurance policy premium in a residential transaction in Florida varies by county...


How To Prorate Real Estate Taxes Formula

The closing process occurs under the control of a closing agent. The proration amounts depend on local customs and previous tax payments...


Steps to Close

This eBook will guide you and give you tips to the close...


Condo Budget Formula

Planning to acquire a CONDO? Here is important information you need to know as you step into it!





“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

Winston Churchill